The Association of Warsaw Jews in Israel was formed in the early 1950's, and was an
important part of the Association of Polish Jews. The founders were mostly intellectuals
and Zionist leaders in Poland.
At the beginning, the association mainly functioned as a general information resource and
an economic tool to aid new immigrants, by way of facilitating loans to it's members, on good
terms, in association with the Polish bank P.K.O. Along with this, the immigrants enjoyed wide
range of social activities.
As years went by, there were new goals, such as commemorating Warsaw Jews. Since then
and throughout the years various lectures and social events took place.
The biggest achievement of the Association was publishing the book "The History of Warsaw Jewery".
The publishing of this book was thanks to the support of Jewish Agency, the Tel-Aviv
Foundation of Literature and Art, donations from members and also by the cooperation of
important Israeli historians.
"Keter" published the book in 1991 in Jerusalem.
The Association of Warsaw Jews established a foundation in the name of Holocaust victims
from the Warsaw Ghetto together with Levinsky College. The foundation's aim is to give
grants to students writing dissertations on the subject of the Warsaw Ghetto. The results
were excellent. In the last few years the organisation attrected some young people from the
second generation to the holocaust.
Together we organise cultural activities such as lectures and readings. We also collected
exhibits, which are on display during the meetings.
A link with Kibbutz Yad Mordechai was established and a decision was made to strengthen
joint ventures.
Nevertheless, the main activity remains commemorating the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto
and the rebels. The central event will always be the Holocaust Memorial Day.
This is to commemorate the utmost heroic, tragic and shocking chapter in mankind - not
only Jewish history.
The Association is supported partly by Claims Conference:  


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Lea Cohen